Mindful Movement Class Series

Re/claim Your Body

Are you feeling stuck in your body, noticing tension, or numbness?


Are you interested in fostering your relationship of belonging with your soft animal body?


Do you struggle with PTSD or other conditions that emerged due to longterm trauma?

Reclaim your body. Reclaim your land.

Your body is a doorway to radical love.

Mindful Movement a doorway to your body.


Reclaim Choice For Your Soft Animal Body online via Zoom:

Tuesday, January 9 - Feb 6, 2024

(*Note: January 30 will be a pre-recorded class)

7:30-8:30pm ET

5:30-6:30pm MT

4:30-5:30pm PT

What is available to receive?

~ A different therapeutic theme to explore each week

~ A weekly movement class – this will be recorded

~ Weekly pre-recorded educational integration videos with a short movement practice included

~ Guided land-based connection opportunities

~ A weekly PDF with educational material covered in the class

~ Access to additional resources such as articles and podcasts connected to the therapeutic theme.

“I will forever be grateful for finding this class. It has been an amazing addition to my trauma therapy. Nicola has created a safe and welcoming space that has helped me to be more present and connected to my body. I highly recommend this class and would absolutely register again.” Class Participant

Class Description.

You will be guided through 5-weeks where you get to meet yourself where you’re at, follow your choices and the cues from your soft animal body throughout the experience. There will be opportunities to notice feelings in your muscles, with choices to move, stretch, and breathe based on your own body energy levels, sensations, and present moment experience.

A slow and gentle yoga class grounded in choice with a weekly rhythm of engagement, integration, and rest.

This trauma-informed class series offers space to reconnect and develop a sense of belonging with your body at a pace that is supportive for you. The practice is specifically aimed to support healing from post-traumatic stress (PTSD), C-PTSD, complex trauma, developmental trauma and mental health challenges.

There is nothing like this 5-week movement series informed by Trauma Center-Trauma Sensitive Yoga, Somatic Experiencing, and land-based practices available anywhere else.

Recommended Props.

To support engaging with different forms within movement practice, participants are encouraged to have access to a blanket, a pillow, and either 2 foam yoga blocks or some hard cover books as an alternative to the blocks.

“Nicola offers a kind and gentle space. There is complete freedom to show up as you are and enjoy whatever feels right in your body. My sense of being embodied has increased as a result of her teachings.” Class Participant

Possible Outcomes.

Research has demonstrated that Trauma Center-Trauma Sensitive Yoga (TCTSY) has reduced symptoms of PTSD in 5-weeks for many participants.

There is even the potential of symptom reduction to the degree of no longer fitting within the diagnostic criteria.

Each person's journey is unique.

All bodies and expressions are welcome.

Come see what's possible for you.

I highly recommend Nicola and this program. The classes were a welcomed addition to my healing and I noticed my PTSD symptoms decrease after only a few classes. I also feel more safe and in control of my body than I have in a long time. Thank you Nicola for being very open and supportive.
— Class Participant
At the start and during the series I was still in fight mode, very stressed and worried and really living in sensations of the past. I wanted to share that because it really was a dramatic amount of healing I experienced.
— Class Series Participant

Class Registration.

*If the registration block does not appear, please click here to register: Mindful Movement Class Series Eventbrite

**The value of this opportunity is $250 CDN.

Check your eligibility to claim this opportunity with your employer health benefits: Registered Social Worker #14403

There is a self-determined way to choose what you pay based from three price tiers based on your access to financial and social resources. Everyone has the same access to resources and content!

The 3-tiered pricing is based on your self-determined access to resources, privilege, and social capital. Through self-assessment, please consider your positionality of privilege. You are encouraged to consider this based on your intersecting identities (ie: race, gender, sexual identity, social-economic status, education, able-bodied-ness etc) that do or do not grant you access to social capital.

Please choose the self-determined amount to register.

Financial Opportunities.

Payment Plans

If providing a lump sum payment is not accessible for you at this time, payment plans are available. Please go to the website to apply and share your intended schedule for payment in 2 instalments, noting the full payment needs to be received by January 8, 2024, prior to the class series start date.


Scholarships are available for a reduce rate of 50% from the community tiered pricing (funds generously raised by the Mindbody Awareness Fundraiser)

The scholarship application closes

at 1pm MT December 29, 2023.

To apply for Scholarship, please fill out and submit the application form here.

Frequently Asked Questions.

Q. What this class is NOT.

These classes are not therapy and nor a replacement for therapy you might currently be accessing.

Q. Will I have to share stories of my past?

Folx are requested to not share details of their past within this class series.

That being said, emotions or memories from the past might emerge, so having support in place to process the experience is an asset.

Your support might be a counselor/therapist, an Elder or a person you trust.

Q. Is there any reason to not join class?

If you have needed or accessed hospitalization within the last 6 months for trauma related experiences, this class is not recommended.

Q. I’m a ‘yoga skeptic’ - how do I know this is different from regular yoga classes?

There is no directive language used, with choice being available within every form and movement to support meeting your body where it’s at.

Q. What will I need to participate?

  • Access to reliable internet and device (laptop, ipad, phone)

  • Access to Zoom platform to participate in the classes

  • Access to Google Drive to access pre-recorded videos and resources

  • A quiet space with limited distractions to support a movement practice

  • Comfortable clothing to move in

  • Tools that can be useful for the practice are: something to to place on the ground when moving (yoga mat, towel, blanket), a cushion or pillow to sit on, a blanket for warmth, a water bottle, a yoga block or some books to use as a substitution.

Q. How is a class structured?

The class is offered over zoom, with a choice to have your video on or off. The session opens 5 minutes before class start time to support everyone getting settled but no need to engage! Each week prior to the movement practice, Nicola will provide some education around an optional theme to explore. The movement practice will be between 30-45 minutes in length.

Q. What resources will I get from this experience?

At the end of each class participants receive a PDF that provides an overview of the theme explored during the class in addition to some journal prompts to support further reflection.

Q. How will I feel at the end of the 5-weeks?

Everyone’s journey is so unique and personal, so there is no attachment to any expected outcomes. It is a journey of self discovery, a non-prescriptive experience. This is what others have shared after the series.

“I was able to rest at the end with quiet in my mind”

“My healing experience has been amazing due to this practice. I could feel trauma melting out of my body, week to week – feeling less stress and more personal power and strength to make happy and healthy life decisions, as well as take positive dream centered chances on myself and live more at ease in the now.”

“It helped to ground feelings of safety and calm, reminding me that there are choices.”

Q. What if I’m not flexible?

Additional flexibility is a possible outcome from this practice but definitely not necessary to engage in Mindful Movement. The forms and movements are accessible and adaptable to support meeting you where you’re at. Everyone participating will be making choices to support their body while being guided through the practice.

Q. Who is facilitating this class series?

My name is Nicola - Reconnecting and reclaiming my body through movement and land-based connection has been a significant part of my journey. I've been studying and teaching these practices for 9-years and really love to support others accessing opportunities to reclaim their body through a journey of self discovery and meeting themselves where their at. It's always such an honour and privilege to walk this path with you, should you choose to join us!

Q. What if I do one class and realize it’s not for me?

Refunds are available until the end of the first week of the class series. You get to attend the first class to see if it feels like a good fit for your journey!